Open data policy and data management

Open Data Policy

The open data/open science work of the IAI is based on the Open Data Policy and Principles adopted at the 26th Conference of the Parties held in Guatemala in 2018 (Decision XXVI/45) and the following:

Article II of the Agreement establishing the Inter-American Institute for Global Change Research states, in part:
The Institute shall pursue the principles of scientific excellence, international cooperation, and the full and open exchange of scientific information, relevant to global change.

The Open Data Policy states that the IAI shall pursue the principles of scientific excellence, international cooperation, and the full and open exchange of scientific information relevant to global change. The policy aims to advance scientific data re-use, sharing and participation by allowing stakeholders to access IAI-funded data freely and without restrictions.

Data Management

Research data needs stewardship during and after the end of the project. Because of this, considering different aspects of data management can save time and efforts later in the project. For this end, one of the tools researchers have is a data management plan (DMP). The IAI DMP helps you answer questions related to samples, data processing, privacy and archiving, among other things. The IAI requires a DMP in certain programs (see program instructions for details).

Data management plan template