IAI Science Agenda


Adopted at the

29th meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the
Inter-American Institute for Global Change Research
22-23 June 2021, Virtual Meeting




The primary objective of the IAI is to encourage scientific research beyond the scope of national programs by advancing comparative and focused studies based on global environmental change (GEC) issues important to the region as a whole. The term GEC refers to the interactions of biological, chemical, physical and social processes that regulate changes in the functioning of the Earth system, including the particular ways in which these changes are influenced by and impact on human activities.

The Agreement establishing the IAI states, “The Institute shall have an evolving Scientific Agenda, reflecting an appropriate balance among biogeographical areas of scientific importance; an integration of scientific, economic and sociological research; and shall focus on such regional issues as the Conference of the Parties shall determine (Article III: Scientific Agenda).”

To meet the goals of the Scientific Agenda, the IAI encourages and supports the joint collaboration of scientists, stakeholders, and decision makers of the Americas to address and communicate critical issues associated with GEC.

Foundational Principles

The IAI pursues scientific excellence, international cooperation and the full and open exchange of scientific information relevant to GEC through the following foundational principles (IAI/COP/27/14 Strategic Plan): transdisciplinary science, participatory and inclusive design, innovative and solution based science, multi-scalar analysis and integration, open data/science, scientific outreach and knowledge mobilization, alignment with environmental governance frameworks, and strengthening capacities across the science-policy interface. When appropriate, these principles should guide the research supported by the IAI.

Strategic Areas

The IAI supports science that improves the Americas’ ability to cope with and thrive under GEC, making a positive impact towards the sustainability of the region in the following strategic areas (IAI/COP/27/14 Strategic Plan, Theme II - Science for the Sustainability of the Americas): reduction of poverty and inequality; improving food, water, and energy security; climate change adaptation and mitigation; improved human health and wellbeing; conservation and restoration of biodiversity and ecosystems; clean air, water and soil. Research supported by the IAI should align with these strategic areas.

Decision XXVII/12, which established the IAI’s Strategic Plan articulates the mechanisms and methods to provide Parties with the science necessary for the development of more effective public policy.  While the Scientific Agenda presents a broad and general direction to the scientific programs, the Strategic Plan is a more specific mechanism for its implementation.

Research Themes

The following four broadly defined and interrelated research themes have been identified by the IAI:

  • Human dimensions of GEC
  • Climate change and climate variability
  • Ecosystems, biodiversity, land use and cover, and water resources
  • Global change modulations of the atmosphere, oceans and fresh waters

Example topics under each theme are provided in Annex 1. Topics are not intended to be exhaustive, and given the transdisciplinary nature of the science, many topics may fall into more than one theme. In particular, science on human dimensions should cut across all themes, as well as science to support adaptation and mitigation to GEC.

As indicated above, the evolving nature of the Scientific Agenda provides a means for the Parties to continually incorporate new scientific priorities and to address changes based on the needs of the region’s countries. The current version of the Science Agenda will continue to be revised as needed during future intersessional periods, particularly when the Strategic Plan is revised (every 3-6 years).

FULL TEXT INCLUDING the Annex with examples of research topics under each theme: