1st Small Grants Program (SGP 1)

SGP# Title Principal Investigator (PI) PI Country PI Institution Participating Countries Budget (US$)
003 Bio-physical modeling of the Northern Humboldt Current System AVIJIT GANGOPADHYAY
 agangopadhya_AT_umassd.edu USA University of Massachusetts Chile,
USA 10,000
004 Climate and land use controls on ecosystem functioning: understanding processes and developing tools for a sustainable use of temperate ecosystems ESTEBAN G. JOBBAGY
 jobbagy_AT_unsl.edu.ar Argentina Universidad de Buenos Aires Argentina
, Uruguay
, USA 29,820
005 Connecting satellites to the human and ecological dimensions: sustaining tropical forests for the future ARTURO G. SANCHEZ AZOFEIFA arturo.sanchez_AT_ualberta.ca Canada University of Alberta Canada, 
Costa Rica, 
Mexico 28,360
007 Carbon sequestration monitoring in rubber-tree plantations CLAUDIA WAGNER RIDDLE
 criddle_AT_lrs.uoguelph.ca Canada University of Guelph Brazil,
USA 29,980
008 Dendroecology as a tool for assessing past land-use in arid zones: wood structure modifications and associated hydraulic changes on a Patagonian shrub caused by site grazing ROBERTO J. FERNANDEZ 
fernandez_AT_ifeva.edu.ar Argentina Universidad de Buenos Aires Argentina, 
USA 29,900
014 The development of an Inter-American network for the characterization of atmospheric chemistry and a sustainable future JOSE L. MORAN LOPEZ

Mexico Instituto Potosino de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica Brazil, 
USA 9,992
015 Adapting to market shocks and climatic variability in Mesoamerica: the coffee in Mexico; Guatemala and Honduras EDWIN J CASTELLANOS
 ecastell_AT_uvg.edu.gt Guatemala Universidad del Valle de Guatemala Guatemala, 
USA 29,990
016 An Inter-American comparison of the genetic erosion of key species in overgrazed semiarid rangelands JOSE TULIO ARREDONDO MORENO 
tulio_AT_ipicyt.edu.mx Mexico Instituto Potosino de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica Argentina, 
USA 29,958
020 College in modeling soil-water-atmosphere-systems MARIA ELENA RUIZ
 mruiz_AT_isch.edu.cu Cuba Universidad Agraria de la Habana Cuba 10,000
023 The human dimensions of biodiversity conservation and sustainable use of marine resources: an integrated assessment of lessons from three co-management initiatives in the Americas MARCELA VASQUEZ LEON
 mvasquez_AT_u.arizona.edu USA University of Arizona Brazil, 
USA 15,000
024 Inter-hemispheric comparative studies of ENSO effects in kelp populations: inhibition and facilitation mechanisms determining restoration after massive mortality events ENRIQUE MARTINEZ 
marsilva_AT_rdc.cl; eamartin_AT_bio.puc.cl Chile Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile Chile, 
USA 30,000
027 Soil moisture variability in the Rio de la Plata Basin: assessment of the impact of its variability and forecast applications for end users RICARDO ROMERO
 Ricardo.Romero_AT_aphis.usda.gov Uruguay Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Agropecuarias Argentina, 
USA 10,000
030 Dendrochronological records and El Nino-driven impacts on rural populations in the northern coast of Peru RODOLFO RODRIGUEZ 
rrodrigu_AT_udep.edu.pe Peru Universidad Nacional de Piura Canada, 
USA 30,000
031 Modeling how land use change affects the nutrient budget in the Guayas watershed: ecological and economic implications CHARLES A. S. HALL

USA State University of New York Chile, 
The Netherlands, 
USA 30,000
035 Promoting public health assessment in energy and environmental planning LUIS CIFUENTES

Chile Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile Argentina, 
, Chile, 
USA 40,000
037 Developing complex indicators for the assessment; modeling and forecasting of the impacts of climate change and variability on human health PAULO L. ORTIZ BULTO 
paulo_AT_met.inf.cu Cuba Instituto de Meteorología Bolivia, 
Cuba 20,000