¿Quién domina los procesos territoriales? Importancia de los diferentes capitales para un desarrollo sustentable. Caso de estudio: Partido de Balcarce, Argentina.

Published in PAMPA, 15(15):47.

Auer, A., Maceira, N.

Publication year 2017
DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.14409/pampa.v15i15.6602
IAI Program


IAI Project CRN3095


.In recent decades are taking place in Argentina territorial processes as agri-culturization (intensification and advancement of agriculture over other land uses) and the development of rural land&ndashuse plans. In both cases, the territory agents affect the evolution of these processes and at the same time, they are affected by them.This study case analyzes both processes in the County of Balcarce (Argentina) under the social fields approach of Pierre Bourdieu. It is noted that the position of agents in the field is not only determined by the total volume ofagent&rsquoscapital, but also by the structure of their capital and by the dominant capital in the field, affecting the power relations between agents. While the capital that governs the evolution of both processes is the economic, it is noted that the social capital has a strategic role in the rural community field and the symbolic capital in the land&ndashuse planning field.