32 students win IAI scholarships to attend the 15th Biennial SETAC Latin America Meeting

The Inter-American Institute for Global Change Research (IAI) acknowledges the dedication and academic excellence of university students. A total of 32 students have been granted a scholarship to attend the 15th Biennial Meeting of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. Latin America. This prestigious event will take place at Montevideo, Uruguay, LATU Technology Park from September 17th to 20th.

The scholarships have been awarded to young and early-stage professionals from different fields of study, ranging from biology and chemistry to ecology and environmental sciences. These scholarships acknowledge both academic achievements and a commitment to research and the promotion of sustainability in Latin America.

The 15th Biennial SETAC Latin America Meeting brings together scientists, researchers, academics, and professionals from diverse disciplines to discuss and share relevant research, knowledge, and perspectives on environmental management and ecology.

The 32 scholarship recipients will have the opportunity to attend keynote lectures by experts in the field and participate in discussions and interactive sessions. Furthermore, the event will provide them with a unique opportunity to establish connections with other young researchers and professionals, allowing them to expand their professional horizons in a stimulating environment.

The IAI will have an information stand at the congress, where you can get detailed information about ongoing IAI activities and projects and the work of the Belmont Forum. We invite you to come to LATU to learn more!

Below, we highlight the profiles of some of the winners:



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You can learn more about SETAC at: Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry

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