Advances of Climate, Environment, and Health for the Americas seed grant teams

The nine projects that received seed grand through the  "Climate and Environmental Response for Health in the Americas" initiative of the Inter-American Institute for Global Change Research (IAI) are progressively advancing with their research. Based in different IAI member countries, the teams aim at seeing the results of their transdisciplinary studies translate into effective public policies.

The challenge of these researchers is to contribute to a more resilient and sustainable future at the climate, environment and health nexus, using a transdisciplinary approach.

Community awareness and prevention posts for heat waves. Photo: Ana Torlaschi (Project SG-07).

The "Transdisciplinary project for the design of an early and comprehensive response to heat waves for elderly people in the City of Buenos Aires" seeks to create a pilot early response system. Under the leadership of the principal investigator (PI), Ana Torlaschi, the team has tested data collection tools (surveys and focus groups), conducted educational activities, and developed different informational tactics.

In-person meeting of the working group, December 2023. Photo: Soledad Nión (Project SG-08).

The "Climate Change, Health and Agroecology" project, led by PI Soledad Nión Celio, has created a working group with the Women's Collective of the Agroecological Network of Uruguay. The team is creating a joint conceptual framework to be used in workshops and carrying out joint planning work through the exchange of interdisciplinary knowledge.

While the teams continue to collect and analyze data, the researchers have been preparing and publishing texts for the wider public, with the aim of informing public opinion. Policy changes should favor communities and human groups vulnerable to various factors identified in the studies.



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