The  Inter-American Institute for Global Change Research welcomes applications from researchers and biodiversity practitioners who work and live in Ecuador on topics related to biodiversity and sustainable development for scholarships to attend the Global Development Network GDN Conference 2023. The Conference will be held in Quito from October 31st to 1 November 2023. The scholarships will cover the costs of registration, meals, travel to Quito, and accommodation when applicable.

Eligibility Criteria:

  • Work and live in Ecuador
  • Work with biodiversity-related issues from a social sciences and/or sustainable development perspective

Members of underrepresented groups are encouraged to apply. Academics, practitioners, and policymakers are encouraged to apply. Preference will be given to early career researchers/practitioners. 


The  Inter-American Institute for Global Change Research (IAI) is an intergovernmental organization serving 19 member states of the Americas. The IAI was founded 31 years ago by the signing of the Agreement establishing the Inter-American Institute for Global Change Research with the mission to "pursue the principles of scientific excellence and integrity, international cooperation, science outreach, and capacity building, and the full and open exchange of scientific information relevant to global change to reach the vision of a sustainable Americas." 

The Global Development Network (GDN) is a public international organization that supports high-quality, policy-oriented, social science research in Low- and Middle- Income Countries (LMICs), to promote better lives. We promote research on the premise that contextualized and locally driven research leads to more informed policies, increased policy ownership, better-informed implementation, and more sustainable and inclusive development choices. We also enable research capacity strengthening across countries and disciplines.

The GDN Conference 2023

The theme of the 2023 Global Development Conference is ‘Biodiversity and Sustainable Development.’ Mainstreaming biodiversity is no longer a luxury but an urgency. It is crucial to integrate actions or policies related to biodiversity into broader development processes or policies, such as those aimed at poverty reduction, or tackling climate change.

The conference proposes to address the following thematic blocks:

1) Alternative, nature-based solutions for sustainability challenges (including perspectives from indigenous people) 

2) From ecosystem valuation (methodological approaches) and political commitments to the implementation of the new Global Biodiversity Framework 

3) Mainstreaming biodiversity and scaling up mainstreaming 

4) Biodiversity loss, poverty, and global inequality – links and trade-offs 

5) Financing nature and biodiversity – domestic, international, and private sector 

6) Biodiversity governance – local and international

7) Technology and Innovation – links to biodiversity and ecosystem preservation

8) Interdisciplinary research and capacity building – including diverse knowledge systems


For more information on the conference, visit: 



To apply, fill this form

Deadline for Applications:

29 September 2023