IAI scientific committee member starts work in a strategic position at the IPCC

Today is Inés Camilloni's official start as Vice-Chair of Working Group I of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), which has two main tasks in this new (the seventh) cycle of work. On the one hand, the IPCC will have to carry out the new assessment process and, on the other hand, it will have to prepare the special report on cities that was commissioned by governments in the previous cycle and was left pending for this cycle.

As Vice-Chair of a working group, Camilloni is also part of the IPCC Executive Committee (known as ExCom) representing South America. She will hold this position for the first year of the cycle and will then alternate every other year with Laura Gallardo of Chile.

Working Group 1 is a core IPCC entity dedicated to the analysis of the physical basis of climate change. The vice-chairs of the working groups play an accompanying role throughout the report preparation process, in the selection of participants for scoping meetings and report authors. They also remain close to the authors during the report writing and approval process.

Camilloni is a researcher at the Center for Marine and Atmospheric Research (CIMA, University of Buenos Aires - CONICET), a professor of Exact Sciences, and a member of the Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC) of the Inter-American Institute for Global Change Research (IAI). She is committed to increasing the participation of young researchers and scientists from developing countries and promoting gender-sensitive policy.

The IPCC was established in 1988 by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) to provide comprehensive assessments of the state of scientific, technical and socioeconomic knowledge on climate change, its causes, potential impacts and response strategies.


Except for the photo (reproduced from https://www.ipcc.ch/people/ines-camilloni), the content of this news item is CC0 licensed and may be freely reproduced.

You can learn more about IPCC Working Group 1 at: https://www.ipcc.ch/working-group/wg1

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