Poverty and Equality

Susana Beatriz Adamo

Institution: CIESIN, Columbia Climate School, Columbia University

Webpage: https://people.climate.columbia.edu/users/profile/susana-beatriz-adamo   

Email: sadamo@ciesin.columbia.edu 

Country (ies) of expertise: -

Region (s) of expertise: Latin America and the Caribbean

Keywords: Human mobility, climate change, vulnerability, demography, georeferenced data

IAI themes:

Water security

Health and well-being

Poverty and Equality

Languages: Spanish and English


María Amparo Martínez Arroyo

Institution: Instituto de Ciencias de la Atmósfera y Cambio Climático, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

Webpage: -  

Email: amparo@atmosfera.unam.mx 

Country (ies) of expertise: Mexico

Region (s) of expertise: Latin America and the Caribbean, North America

Keywords: Climate change, atmosphere-biosphere interactions, interdisciplinarity, air quality and climate change in cities and coasts, public policies, international agreements on climate change.

IAI themes:

Poverty and Equality 

Climate action

Clean air, water, and soil

Languages: Spanish


Bianca Vienni Baptista

Institution: Transdisciplinarity Lab, ETH Zurich (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology), Suiza

Webpage: https://tdlab.usys.ethz.ch/team/person-detail.bianca-vienni.html   

Email: biancavienni@gmail.com / bianca.vienni@usys.ethz.ch 

Country (ies) of expertise:  Uruguay, Argentina, Germany, Switzerland

Region (s) of expertise: Latin America, Europe, Asia

Keywords: Interdisciplinary research, transdisciplinary research, anthropology of science, science, technology and society (STS), science, technology and society (STS)

IAI themes:

Food security

Water security

Biodiversity and ecosystem services

Climate action

Poverty and equity

Clean air, water, and soil

Languages: Spanish, English, German


Gerardo Bocco

Institution: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Centro de Investigaciones en Geografía Ambiental

Webpage: http://www.ciga.unam.mx/  

Email: gbocco@ciga.unam.mx 

Country (ies) of expertise: Argentina, Mexico

Region (s) of expertise: Latin America

Keywords: Small rural localities, traditional knowledge, cultural landscape, cultural landscape

IAI themes:

Food security

Poverty and Equality

Languages: Spanish and English


Eftychia D. Burnashou-Marcou

Institution: Universidad Autónoma de México

Webpage: - 

Email: effi.bournazou@gmail.com  

Country (ies) of expertise: Mexico, Greece, Germany 

Region (s) of expertise: Latin America, Europe

Keywords: Urban socio-spatial changes, spatial segregation, gentrification, public goods and socio-spatial justice

IAI themes:

Poverty and Equality

Languages: Spanish


Dirceu Luis Herdies

Institution: CPTEC, Brazil

Webpage: http://lattes.cnpq.br/3752951275341381  

Email: dirceu.herdies@inpe.br / dherdies@gmail.com 

Country (ies) of expertise: Brazil

Region (s) of expertise: South America

Keywords: -

IAI themes:

Food security

Energy security

Water security

Biodiversity and ecosystem services

Climate action

Clean air, water, and soil

Poverty and Equity

Languages: English and Portuguese


Matías Mastrangelo

Institution: Unidad Integrada Balcarce (INTA - UNMdP - CONICET)

Webpage:  - 

Email: mastrangelo.matias@inta.gob.ar / matimastra@gmail.com 

Country (ies) of expertise: Argentina

Region (s) of expertise: Southern Cone

Keywords: Human dimensions of conservation, social-ecological systems, ecosystem services, biodiversity

IAI themes:

Food security

Biodiversity and ecosystem services

Health and well-being

Poverty and Equality

Clean air, water, and soil

Languages: Spanish


Carlos Murillo

Institution: CINPE Costa Rica, Observatorio Del Desarrollo, UCR

Webpage: - 

Email: camuza@gmail.com / carlos.murillozamora@ucr.ac.cr 

Country (ies) of expertise: Central American countries. Colombia, Ecuador (especially), and Taiwan (maritime issues).

Region (s) of expertise: Central America, Eastern Tropical Pacific

Keywords: Foreign policy, the law of the sea, maritime delimitation, public policy, international relations, international relations

IAI themes:

Poverty and equality

Languages: Spanish and English (basic)


William Pan

Institution: Duke University

Webpage: -  

Email: william.pan@duke.edu 

Country (ies) of expertise: Peru, Ecuador, Brazil, Panama, Honduras

Region (s) of expertise: Amazon, Darien, Peruvian coast (Tumbes), Ecuador highlands

Keywords: Infectious disease, malaria, dengue, climate, land use/land cover change, gold mining, logging, mercury exposure, mercury bioaccumulation, tipping points, ENSO, chronic disease, child health, migration, fertility

IAI themes:

Food security

Health and well-being

Biodiversity and ecosystem services

Climate action

Clean air, water, and soil

Poverty and Equality

Languages: English


Valerie A. Paz-Soldan

Institution: Tulane School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine, and Tulane Health Office for Latin American in Lima, Peru

Webpage: -

Email: vpazsold@tulane.edu 

Country (ies) of expertise: Peru 

Region (s) of expertise: South America

Keywords: -

IAI themes:

Health and well-being

Climate action

Poverty and Equality

Languages: Spanish and English


Jeremy Pittman

Institution: School of the Environment, University of Waterloo

Webpage: - 

Email: jpittman@uwaterloo.ca 

Country (ies) of expertise: Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Ecuador, Uruguay, Dominica, Saint Lucia

Region (s) of expertise: -

Keywords: Environmental governance, Conservation policy, Sustainable livelihoods

IAI themes:

Food security

Biodiversity and ecosystem services

Climate action

Health and wellness

Poverty and equality

Clean air, water, and soil

Languages: English


Juan Robalino

Institution: Instituto de Investigaciones en Ciencias Económicas, Universidad de Costa Rica

Webpage: -  

Email: juan.robalino@ucr.ac.cr 

Country (ies) of expertise: Brazil, Costa Rica, México y Guatemala 

Region (s) of expertise: Latin America

Keywords: Environmental economics, labor economics, economics of climate change

IAI themes:

Biodiversity and ecosystem services

Climate action

Poverty and Equity

Languages: Spanish and English


Jorge Rucks

Institution: Universidad Nacional de La Pampa

Webpage: -

Email: jorge.rucks@gmail.com 

Country (ies) of expertise: -

Region (s) of expertise: -

Keywords: Políticas públicas, ordenamiento territorial, cooperación técnica para promover el desarrollo sostenible, cuencas hídricas

IAI themes:

Food security

Energy security

Water security

Biodiversity and ecosystem services

Climate action

Poverty and equity

Clean air, water and soil

Languages: Spanish 


Renzo Taddei

Institution: Universidade Federal de São Paulo (Unifesp), Brazil

Webpage: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Renzo-Taddei   

Email: renzo.taddei@unifesp.br  

Country (ies) of expertise: -

Region (s) of expertise: -

Keywords: Anthropology, human dimensions of climate change, Indigenous peoples and climate change, traditional environmental knowledge, communication, climate justice

IAI themes:

Biodiversity and ecosystem services

Climate action

Poverty and Equity

Languages: Spanish, English, Portuguese


Jorge Zavala-Hidalgo

Institution: ICAyCC-UNAM

Webpage: - 

Email: jzavala@atmosfera.unam.mx 

Country (ies) of expertise: -

Region (s) of expertise: -

Keywords: -

IAI themes:

Poverty and Equality

Climate action

Clean air, water, and soil

Languages: Spanish and English


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