United States

Jorge Amador Astua

Institution: Universidad de Costa Rica

Webpage: - 

Email: jorge.amador@ucr.ac.cr 

Country (ies) of expertise: Costa Rica, US, Italia, UK

Region (s) of expertise: Tropical Regions of the Intra-American Seas

Keywords: Climate, climate variability and tropical climate change, Caribbean Low-Level Jet

IAI themes:

Climate action

Languages: Spanish


Irene M. Astor

Institution: Fundación la Salle de Ciencias Naturales Campus Margarita (EDIMAR)

Webpage: - 

Email: yrene.astor@yahoo.com 

Country (ies) of expertise: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, Peru, USA, Venezuela

Region (s) of expertise: Caribbean Sea

Keywords: carbonate system trends, oceanographic time series, air-ocean CO2 exchange

IAI themes:

Biodiversity and ecosystem services

Climate action

Languages: Spanish and English


Ernesto Hugo Berbery

Institution: University of Maryland

Webpage: - 

Email: berbery@atmos.umd.edu / berbery@umd.edu 

Country (ies) of expertise: Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, USA 

Region (s) of expertise: -

Keywords: Regional Climate, Hydroclimate

IAI themes:

Water security

Biodiversity and ecosystem services

Climate action

Languages: Spanish and English


Edmo J.D. Campos

Institution: Universidade de São Paulo

Webpage: -  

Email: edmo@usp.br 

Country (ies) of expertise: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Peru, Uruguay, USA 

Region (s) of expertise: South and Tropical Atlantic

Keywords: South Atlantic, AMOC, SAMOC, SAMBA

IAI themes:

Climate action

Languages: Spanish, English, and Portuguese


Antonio Divino Moura

Institution: Instituto Nacional de Meteorologia, Brazil

Webpage: - 

Email: divinoeeufmg@gmail.com  

Country (ies) of expertise: Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, USA 

Region (s) of expertise: South America 

Keywords: -

IAI themes:

Climate action

Languages: English and Portuguese


Verónica Filardo

Institution: Universidad de la República

Webpage: - 

Email: filardo.veronica@gmail.com 

Country (ies) of expertise: Argentina, Chile, Mexico, Uruguay, United States

Region (s) of expertise: -

Keywords: Governance, poverty, equality, social actors, social representations, narratives, territories.

IAI themes:

Health and well-being

Biodiversity and ecosystem services

Languages: Spanish


Roberto Frouin

Institution: University of California – Scripps Institution of Oceanography

Webpage: -  

Email: rfrouin@ucsd.edu 

Country (ies) of expertise: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, Peru, USA, Venezuela 

Region (s) of expertise: Latin America, Pacific Islands

Keywords: -

IAI themes:

Clean air, water, and soil

Biodiversity and ecosystem services

Climate action

Health and well-being

Languages: English


Alice Marlene Grimm

Institution: Universidade Federal do Parana





Email: grimm@fisica.ufpr.br

Country (ies) of expertise: Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, USA

Region (s) of expertise: South America and global 

Keywords: Climate variability from intraseasonal to interdecadal time scales; Dynamical mechanisms of regional impacts of climate oscillations; Predictability; Teleconnections; Extreme events; Climate change and its regional impacts

IAI themes:

Food security

Climate action

Languages: Portuguese, English, Spanish


Kathleen E. Halvorsen

Institution: Michigan Technological University

Webpage: https://www.mtu.edu/research/people-departments/staff/vprdev/halvorsen-k/  

Email: kehalvor@mtu.edu 

Country (ies) of expertise: Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Mexico, Uruguay, USA 

Region (s) of expertise: North and South America 

Keywords: Transdisciplinary science, team science, research development, research compliance, climate change policy, energy policy

IAI themes:

Energy security

Biodiversity and ecosystem services

Climate action

Languages: Spanish and English


Milton Kampel

Institution: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais

Webpage: - 

Email: milton.kampel@inpe.br  

Country (ies) of expertise: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, Peru, USA, Venezuela 

Region (s) of expertise: -

Keywords: Ocean, coastal, inland waters remote sensing, aquatic ecosystem services, land-ocean interactions, air-sea interactions, Southwestern

IAI themes:

Water security

Biodiversity and ecosystem services

Climate action

Health and well-being

Languages: English and Portuguese


Víctor O. Magaña Rueda

Institution: Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico

Webpage: - 

Email: victormr@servidor.unam.mx  

Country (ies) of expertise: Brazil, Costa Rica, Mexico, USA 

Region (s) of expertise: -

Keywords: -

IAI themes:

Water security

Biodiversity and ecosystem services

Climate action

Languages: Spanish


Alexandra Mallett 

Institution: Carleton University

Webpage: https://carleton.ca/sppa/alexandra-mallett/  

Email: alexandramallett@cunet.carleton.ca 

Country (ies) of expertise: Canada, United States, Mexico, Brazil 

Region (s) of expertise: North America, South America

Keywords: Design and implementation of sustainable energy, environment, natural resources and climate policy, low carbon technology cooperation, innovation, science and technology policies, changes in the Canadian North

IAI themes:

Energy security

Biodiversity and ecosystem services

Climate action

Languages: Spanish, English and French


Facundo Damián Martín García

Institution: CONICET

Webpage: - 

Email:  fdmartingarcia@gmail.com  

Country (ies) of expertise: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Mexico, USA

Region (s) of expertise: Latin America

Keywords: -

IAI themes: -

Languages: Spanish


Edgar Mayeregger

Institution: Ministerio de Agricultura, Paraguay – Coordinador Nacional de la Unidad de Gestión de Riesgos (UGR)

Webpage: www.mag.gov.py/unidaddegestionderiesgos  

Email: shalom19@gmail.com / edgar.mayeregger@mag.gov.py   

Country (ies) of expertise: Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, USA, México, Costa Rica, Uruguay, Turquía, Bharat (India), Israel, amongst others.

Region (s) of expertise: South America, Central America

Keywords: Agrometeorology, risk management, early warning, anticipatory action plan, agroclimatic technical tables, agricultural insurance, sustainable use of water on farmers' farms, information for decision making

IAI themes:

Food security

Water security

Climate action

Languages: Spanish and Portuguese


Assefa Melesse

Institution: Florida International University (FIU)

Webpage: - 

Email: melessea@fiu.edu 

Country (ies) of expertise: US, Jamaica, Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic

Region (s) of expertise: Caribbean islands, USA, East Africa

Keywords: Hydrology, climate change, remote sensing, sediment transport, water quality, drought modeling, river basin management

IAI themes: -

Languages: English


Francisco J. Meza

Institution: Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Webpage: -  

Email: fmeza@uc.cl 

Country (ies) of expertise: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Mexico, USA

Region (s) of expertise: -

Keywords: -

IAI themes: -

Languages: Spanish


Eric Morales-Casique

Institution: Instituto de Geología – UNAM

Webpage: https://www.geologia.unam.mx/comunidad-igl/morales-cacique-e  

Email: ericmc@geologia.unam.mx  

Country (ies) of expertise: Mexico, USA 

Region (s) of expertise: -

Keywords: Hydrogeology, groundwater, mathematical and computational modeling

IAI themes:

Water security

Clean air, water, and soil

Languages: Spanish and English


Jose H. Muelbert

Institution: Universidade Federal do Rio Grande

Webpage: http://lattes.cnpq.br/8085929420978720 

Email: jmuelbert@furg.br 

Country (ies) of expertise: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Peru, Uruguay, USA

Region (s) of expertise: -

Keywords: Marine ecology, conservation, climate change, coastal system, ocean observation

IAI themes:

Food security

Biodiversity and ecosystem services

Climate action

Languages: English


Jean Pierre H.B. Ometto

Institution: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE) (Brasil)

Webpage: -

Email: jean.ometto@inpe.br  

Country (ies) of expertise: Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Mexico, USA, Venezuela

Region (s) of expertise: Tropical South America 

Keywords: Climate impact risk, climate change, global environmental change, ecosystems resilience, forest restoration, carbon and nitrogen cycles

IAI themes:

Food security

Water security

Biodiversity and ecosystem services

Climate action

Clean air, water, and soil

Languages: Spanish (basic), English, Portuguese


Willington Pavan

Institution: University of Florida, USA

Webpage: https://abe.ufl.edu/people/faculty/willingthon-pavan/   

Email: pavan@upf.br 

Country (ies) of expertise: Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, USA 

Region (s) of expertise: -

Keywords: Crop Modeling, disease modeling, digital agriculture, early warning systems

IAI themes: -

Languages: English and Portuguese


Patricia Pinho

Institution: Instituto de Pesquisa Ambiental da Amazonia, Brasília - DF

Webpage: https://ipam.org.br/o-ipam/equipe/  

Email: patricia.pinho@iag.usp.br  

Country (ies) of expertise: Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Mexico, USA, Venezuela

Region (s) of expertise: -

Keywords: -

IAI themes: -

Languages: -


Valentín Picasso

Institution: Universidad de la República y University of Wisconsin

Webpage: https://foragesandperennialgrains.agronomy.wisc.edu/  

Email: vpicasso@gmail.com / picassorisso@wisc.edu   

Country (ies) of expertise: Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Mexico, Uruguay, USA

Region (s) of expertise: Fields and pampas, Midwest USA

Keywords: Resilience, climate change, pastures, perennial crops, forage crops, agroecosystems, alfalfa, kernza, tinopiro, silvopastoralism, production systems, transdisciplinary

IAI themes:

Food security

Water security

Biodiversity and ecosystem services

Clean air, water, and soil

Languages: Spanish and English


Guillermo Podesta

Institution: Independent Scholar

Webpage: -  

Email: gpodesta@earth.miami.edu 

Country (ies) of expertise: Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay, Bolivia, Chile, USA

Region (s) of expertise: -

Keywords: Climate information, climate services, socio-ecological systems modeling, decision making, agricultural production

IAI themes:

Food security

Climate action

Languages: Spanish and English


Carlos Portillo-Quintero

Institution: Texas Tech University

Webpage: www.parktrends.org 

Email: carlos.portillo@ttu.edu 

Country (ies) of expertise: Brazil, Canada, Chile, Costa Rica, USA

Region (s) of expertise: Latin America, Southwest USA.

Keywords: Forest ecology, forest conservation, remote sensing, geographic information systems, land use and land cover change

IAI themes: -

Languages: Spanish and English


Sara Purca

Institution: Instituto del Mar del Perú

Webpage: https://www.gob.pe/imarpe   

Email: spurca@imarpe.gob.pe 

Country (ies) of expertise: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Peru, Uruguay, USA 

Region (s) of expertise: Latin America and the Caribbean

Keywords: Plastic pollution, climate change, eastern boundary upwelling ecosystems

IAI themes:

Climate action

Clean air, water, and soil

Languages: Spanish and English


Brian Reid

Institution: Universidad Austral de Chile, Centro de Investigación en Ecosistemas de la Patagonia (Centro CIEP)

Webpage: www.ciep.cl  

Email: brian.reid@ciep.cl 

Country (ies) of expertise: Argentina, Chile, USA 

Region (s) of expertise: Chilean Patagonia and Argentina

Keywords: Freshwater ecosystems, hydrology, biogeochemistry, freshwater biodiversity, conservation planning, rivers, streams, watersheds, lakes, groundwater, river-to-sea transition, drinking water and watershed management

IAI themes:

Water security

Biodiversity and ecosystem services

Climate action

Clean air, water and soil

Languages: Spanish and English


Juan F Silva Armas

Institution: Universidad de los Andes (Venezuela), Instituto Fondo Verde (Perú) y Universidad Centro Panamericano de Estudios Superiores (México)

Webpage: -  

Email:  juansilvaarmas@gmail.com / jsilva@ula.ve  

Country (ies) of expertise: Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, USA, Venezuela, Chile

Region (s) of expertise: Latin America and the Caribbean

Keywords: Sustainability, climate change, environment, ecosystem services, emissions trading, green finance, sustainable development

IAI themes:

Food security

Water security

Biodiversity and ecosystem services

Climate action

Languages: Spanish and English


Christopher Scott

Institution: Pennsylvania State University

Webpage: https://ecosystems.psu.edu/directory/cvs6145 

Email: cascott@psu.edu 

Country (ies) of expertise: Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Chile, Mexico, USA

Region (s) of expertise: Andes

Keywords: Watersheds, hydrology, glacier loss, water-energy-food nexus, water security, transboundary waters, climate adaptation, energy transitions, resilience, social-ecological systems

IAI themes: -

Languages: Spanish and English


Sandra de Urioste-Stone

Institution: University of Maine, Associate Professor, Nature-Based Tourism, School of Forest Resources, Guatemala

Webpage: https://forest.umaine.edu/faculty-staff/sandra-de-urioste-stone/   

Email: sandra.de@maine.edu  

Country (ies) of expertise: Guatemala, USA

Region (s) of expertise: Latin America, North America

Keywords: Adaptation, community resilience, vulnerability, transdisciplinarity, vulnerability and adaptation to climate change and health

IAI themes:

Food security

Health and wellness

Climate action

Languages: Spanish and English


María Isabel Velez Caicedo

Institution: University of Regina

Webpage: https://www.uregina.ca/science/geology/people/faculty/velez-maria.html  

Email: maria.velez.caicedo@uregina.ca 

Country (ies) of expertise: Argentina, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Uruguay, USA 

Region (s) of expertise: Andes, Colombian savannas

Keywords: -

IAI themes: -

Languages: Spanish and English


Geraldo Wilson Fernandes

Institution: Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais and Knowledge Center for Biodiversity

Webpage: - 

Email: gw.fernandes@gmail.com 

Country (ies) of expertise: Brazil, Argentina, México, USA, Spain, Namibia 

Region (s) of expertise: Tropical and Temperate regions

Keywords: Biodiversity, climate change, restoration ecology, plant-animal

interactions, community structure, policy, ecosystem services

IAI themes:

Food security

Biodiversity and ecosystem services

Climate action

Languages: Spanish, English, and Portuguese


Xiangming Xiao

Institution: University of Oklahoma

Webpage: https://www.ceom.ou.edu   

Email: xiangming.xiao@ou.edu 

Country (ies) of expertise: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Peru, Uruguay, USA

Region (s) of expertise: -

Keywords: -

IAI themes: -

Languages: English and Chinese


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