Water Security

Susana Beatriz Adamo

Institution: CIESIN, Columbia Climate School, Columbia University

Webpage: https://people.climate.columbia.edu/users/profile/susana-beatriz-adamo   

Email: sadamo@ciesin.columbia.edu 

Country (ies) of expertise: -

Region (s) of expertise: Latin America and the Caribbean

Keywords: Human mobility, climate change, vulnerability, demography, georeferenced data

IAI themes:

Water security

Health and well-being

Poverty and Equality

Languages: Spanish and English


Juan F Silva Armas

Institution: Universidad de los Andes (Venezuela),  Instituto Fondo Verde (Perú) y Universidad Centro Panamericano de Estudios Superiores (México)

Webpage: -  

Email:  juansilvaarmas@gmail.com / jsilva@ula.ve  

Country (ies) of expertise: Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, USA, Venezuela, Chile

Region (s) of expertise: Latin America and the Caribbean

Keywords: Sustainability, climate change, environment, ecosystem services, emissions trading, green finance, sustainable development

IAI themes:

Food security

Water security

Biodiversity and ecosystem services

Climate action

Languages: Spanish and English


Bianca Vienni Baptista

Institution: Transdisciplinarity Lab, ETH Zurich (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology), Suiza

Webpage: https://tdlab.usys.ethz.ch/team/person-detail.bianca-vienni.html   

Email: biancavienni@gmail.com / bianca.vienni@usys.ethz.ch 

Country (ies) of expertise:  Uruguay, Argentina, Germany, Switzerland

Region (s) of expertise: Latin America, Europe, Asia

Keywords: Interdisciplinary research, transdisciplinary research, anthropology of science, science, technology and society (STS), science, technology and society (STS)

IAI themes:

Food security

Water security

Biodiversity and ecosystem services

Climate action

Poverty and equity

Clean air, water, and soil

Languages: Spanish, English, German


Ernesto Hugo Berbery

Institution: University of Maryland

Webpage: - 

Email: berbery@atmos.umd.edu / berbery@umd.edu 

Country (ies) of expertise: Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, USA 

Region (s) of expertise: -

Keywords: Regional Climate, Hydroclimate

IAI themes:

Water security

Biodiversity and ecosystem services

Climate action

Languages: Spanish and English


Gilberto Câmara

Institution: Brazilian Institute for Space Research (INPE)

Webpage: https://gilbertocamara.org/ 

Email: gilberto.camara@inpe.br 

Country (ies) of expertise: Brazil  

Region (s) of expertise: -

Keywords: Geoinformatics, Land Use Change, Environmental Policy, Governance

IAI themes:

Food security

Water security

Biodiversity and ecosystem services

Climate action

Languages: Spanish, English, Portuguese


Kathleen E. Halvorsen

Institution: Michigan Technological University

Webpage: https://www.mtu.edu/research/people-departments/staff/vprdev/halvorsen-k/  

Email: kehalvor@mtu.edu 

Country (ies) of expertise: Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Mexico, Uruguay, USA    Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Mexico, Uruguay, USA 

Region (s) of expertise: North and South America 

Keywords: Transdisciplinary science, team science, research development, research compliance, climate change policy, energy policy

IAI themes:

Energy security

Biodiversity and ecosystem services

Climate action

Languages: Spanish and English


Dirceu Luis Herdies

Institution: CPTEC, Brazil

Webpage: http://lattes.cnpq.br/3752951275341381  

Email: dirceu.herdies@inpe.br / dherdies@gmail.com 

Country (ies) of expertise: Brazil

Region (s) of expertise: South America

Keywords: -

IAI themes:

Food security

Energy security

Water security

Biodiversity and ecosystem services

Climate action

Clean air, water, and soil

Poverty and Equity

Languages: English and Portuguese


Esteban Jobbágy

Institution: IMASL - Universidad Nacional de San Luis y CONICET

Webpage: -

Email:  jobbagy@unsl.edu.ar  

Country (ies) of expertise: Argentina, Uruguay Paraguay

Region (s) of expertise: Pampas, Chaco, Patagonia

Keywords: Hydrology, land use, agriculture, soil salinization, soil salinization, comparative agricultural systems

IAI themes:

Food security

Water security

Biodiversity and ecosystem services

Clean air, water, and soil

Languages: Spanish and English


Milton Kampel

Institution: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais

Webpage: - 

Email: milton.kampel@inpe.br  

Country (ies) of expertise: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, Peru, USA, Venezuela 

Region (s) of expertise: -

Keywords: Ocean, coastal, inland waters remote sensing, aquatic ecosystem services, land-ocean interactions, air-sea interactions, Southwestern

IAI themes:

Water security

Biodiversity and ecosystem services

Climate action

Health and well-being

Languages: English and Portuguese


María Elena Fernández Long

Institution: Facultad de Agronomía, UBA, Argentina

Webpage: https://ciag.agro.uba.ar/index  

Email:  flong@agro.uba.ar  

Country (ies) of expertise: Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay

Region (s) of expertise: Pampean Region

Keywords: Droughts, soil moisture, frost, agrometeorology, climate change

IAI themes:

Food security

Water safety

Climate action

Clean air, water, and soil

Languages: Spanish


Guilherme Fernandes Marques

Institution: Universidade do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS)

Webpage: https://www.ufrgs.br/warp/  

Email: Guilherme.marques@ufrgs.br 

Country (ies) of expertise: Brazil, Canada, Chile

Region (s) of expertise: -

Keywords: Ecosystem services, fisheries, fish production, dams

IAI themes:

Food security

Water security

Biodiversity and ecosystem services

Climate action

Clean air, water, and soil

Energy security

Languages: English, Spanish, Portuguese


Edgar Mayeregger

Institution: Ministerio de Agricultura, Paraguay – Coordinador Nacional de la Unidad de Gestion de Riesgos (UGR)

Webpage: www.mag.gov.py/unidaddegestionderiesgos  

Email: shalom19@gmail.com / edgar.mayeregger@mag.gov.py   

Country (ies) of expertise: Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, USA, México, Costa Rica, Uruguay, Turquía, Bharat (India), Israel, amongst others.

Region (s) of expertise: South America, Central America

Keywords: Agrometeorology, risk management, early warning, anticipatory action plan, agroclimatic technical tables, agricultural insurance, sustainable use of water on farmers' farms, information for decision making

IAI themes:

Food security

Water security

Climate action

Languages: Spanish and Portuguese


Romulo Menezes

Institution: UFPE

Webpage: -

Email: romulo.menezes@ufpe.br  

Country (ies) of expertise: - 

Region (s) of expertise: -

Keywords: Ecosystem ecology, biogeochemistry, bioenergy, organic residues, semiarid regions

IAI themes:

Food security

Water security

Biodiversity and ecosystem services

Climate action

Clean air, water, and soil

Languages: English


Luis Manuel Farfan Molina

Institution: CICESE

Webpage: https://met-bcs.cicese.mx/  

Email: farfan@cicese.mx 

Country (ies) of expertise: Mexico

Region (s) of expertise: Central America, Caribbean

Keywords: Meteorology, climatology

IAI themes:

Water security

Climate action

Clean air, water, and soil

Languages: Spanish


Eric Morales-Casique

Institution: Instituto de Geología – UNAM

Webpage: https://www.geologia.unam.mx/comunidad-igl/morales-cacique-e  

Email: ericmc@geologia.unam.mx  

Country (ies) of expertise: Mexico, USA 

Region (s) of expertise: -

Keywords: Hydrogeology, groundwater, mathematical and computational modeling

IAI themes:

Water security

Clean air, water, and soil

Languages: Spanish and English


Emilio Moran

Institution: Center for Systems Integration and Sustainability, Michigan State University

Webpage: https://people.geo.msu.edu/moranef/ 

Email: moranef@msu.edu  

Country (ies) of expertise: Brazil 

Region (s) of expertise: Amazonia

Keywords: -

IAI themes:

Food security

Water security

Energy security

Biodiversity and ecosystem services

Climate action

Languages: Spanish and English


Elke Noellemeyer

Institution: Universidad Nacional de La Pampa

Webpage: http://www.agsus.org/  

Email: noellemeyer@agro.unlpam.edu.ar / enoellemeyer@gmail.com 

Country (ies) of expertise: Argentina, Brazil, Bolivia, Paraguay, Uruguay 

Region (s) of expertise: South America, Semiarid and subhumid regions, Loess soils

Keywords: Sustainable soil management, Soil ecosystem services, carbon cycle, carbon sequestration certification, visual assessment of soil quality, soil types and relationship with the landscape, environment or site-specific management, reclamation of saline soils

IAI themes:

Food security

Water security

Biodiversity and ecosystem services

Climate action

Clean air, water, and soil

Languages: Spanish and English


Jean Pierre H.B. Ometto

Institution: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE) (Brasil)

Webpage: -

Email: jean.ometto@inpe.br  

Country (ies) of expertise: Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Mexico, USA, Venezuela

Region (s) of expertise: Tropical South America 

Keywords: Climate impact risk, climate change, global environmental change, ecosystems resilience, forest restoration, carbon and nitrogen cycles

IAI themes:

Food security

Water security

Biodiversity and ecosystem services

Climate action

Clean air, water, and soil

Languages: Spanish (basic), English, Portuguese


Daniel Panario

Institution: Universidad de la República

Webpage: - 

Email: panari@fcien.edu.uy 

Country (ies) of expertise: Uruguay 

Region (s) of expertise: Latin America

Keywords: -

IAI themes:

Water security

Biodiversity and ecosystem services

Clean air, water, and soil

Languages: Spanish


Valentín Picasso

Institution: Universidad de la República y University of Wisconsin

Webpage: https://foragesandperennialgrains.agronomy.wisc.edu/  

Email: vpicasso@gmail.com / picassorisso@wisc.edu   

Country (ies) of expertise: Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Mexico, Uruguay, USA

Region (s) of expertise: Fields and pampas, Midwest USA

Keywords: Resilience, climate change, pastures, perennial crops, forage crops, agroecosystems, alfalfa, kernza, tinopiro, silvopastoralism, production systems, transdisciplinary

IAI themes:

Food security

Water security

Biodiversity and ecosystem services

Clean air, water, and soil

Languages: Spanish and English


Brian Reid

Institution: Universidad Austral de Chile, Centro de Investigacion en Ecosistemas de la Patagonia (Centro CIEP)

Webpage: www.ciep.cl  

Email: brian.reid@ciep.cl 

Country (ies) of expertise: Argentina, Chile, USA 

Region (s) of expertise: Chilean Patagonia and Argentina

Keywords: Freshwater ecosystems, hydrology, biogeochemistry, freshwater biodiversity, conservation planning, rivers, streams, watersheds, lakes, groundwater, river-to-sea transition, drinking water and watershed management

IAI themes:

Water security

Biodiversity and ecosystem services

Climate action

Clean air, water and soil

Languages: Spanish and English


Jesús Alejandro Ledesma Rivera

Institution: Instituto del Mar del Perú

Webpage: https://ctivitae.concytec.gob.pe/appDirectorioCTI/VerDatosInvestigador.do?id_investigador=4665  

Email: jledesma@imarpe.gob.pejledesma.rivera@gmail.com 

Country (ies) of expertise: Peru

Region (s) of expertise: South America

Keywords: Researcher in Chemical Oceanography

IAI themes:

Food security

Water security

Biodiversity and ecosystem services

Climate action

Health and well-being

Clean air, water, and soil

Languages: Spanish


Jorge Rucks

Institution: Universidad Nacional de La Pampa

Webpage: -

Email: jorge.rucks@gmail.com 

Country (ies) of expertise: -

Region (s) of expertise: -

Keywords: Políticas públicas, ordenamiento territorial, cooperación técnica para promover el desarrollo sostenible, cuencas hídricas

IAI themes:

Food security

Energy security

Water security

Biodiversity and ecosystem services

Climate action

Poverty and equity

Clean air, water and soil

Languages: Spanish 


Víctor O. Magaña Rueda

Institution: Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico

Webpage: - 

Email: victormr@servidor.unam.mx  

Country (ies) of expertise: Brazil, Costa Rica, Mexico, USA 

Region (s) of expertise: -

Keywords: -

IAI themes:

Water security

Biodiversity and ecosystem services

Climate action

Languages: Spanish


Mariana Meerhoff Scaffo

Institution: Centro Universitario Regional del Este, Universidad de la República

Webpage: - 

Email: merluz@fcien.edu.uy 

Country (ies) of expertise: Uruguay, Denmark 

Region (s) of expertise: -

Keywords: Ecology and water quality in shallow lakes and streams, functioning of artificial aquatic ecosystems, effects of global warming and other global changes on freshwater

IAI themes:

Water security

Biodiversity and ecosystem services

Clean air, water, and soil

Languages: Spanish


Amaury Tilmant

Institution: Université Laval

Webpage: www.hydroeconomics.com   

Email: amaury.tilmant@gci.ulaval.ca 

Country (ies) of expertise: Brazil, Canada, Chile 

Region (s) of expertise: -

Keywords: Ecosystem services,

fisheries, fish production, hydropower generation

IAI themes:

Food security

Energy security

Water security

Biodiversity and ecosystem services

Climate action

Clean air, water, and soil

Languages: English and French


Micaela Trimble

Institution: Instituto Sudamericano para Estudios sobre Resiliencia y Sostenibilidad – SARAS

Webpage: https://saras-institute.org/es/asociados/   

Email: mica.trimble@saras-institute.org  

Country (ies) of expertise: Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay 

Region (s) of expertise: Southern Cone

Keywords:  Water governance, adaptation, participation, transdisciplines, artisanal fishing

IAI themes:

Water security

Biodiversity and ecosystem services

Climate action

Languages: Spanish, English, Portuguese


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