Angelo Attanasio

Angelo Attanasio is the Editor of Latinoamérica21 and has more than 13 years of experience as a multimedia editor and journalist in digital and print media. He is a committed reporter with a passion for innovative journalism and detail-rich storytelling, who has a solid reputation for his professional ethics.

From 2017 to 2021, Angelo served as a reporter and video producer for BBC News World in the London bureau, making significant contributions to the BBC World Service. Prior to this, he was a freelance reporter for European and Latin American magazines and newspapers. He is the author and editor of award-winning innovative digital projects, demonstrating expertise in interactivity, immersive multimedia, gamification, video, virtual reality, among others.

With a global perspective, Angelo has taken on freelance assignments in different continents. Throughout his career, he has covered a wide range of issues, including conflict, human rights, politics, culture and economics in regions such as Latin America, Europe, sub-Saharan Africa and Asia.

Angelo's work has gained international recognition and several of his projects have received prestigious awards, including the 2016 King of Spain Award and special mention in the 2015 and 2016 El País Ortega y Gasset Awards. He was also a finalist for the 2017 Gabriel García Márquez Award.

At the IAI, Angelo supports the Directorate’s science communication work.