TD Library - Dissertations

Knowledge integration in transdisciplinary research: a case study of the socio-ecological complexity project



Knowledge integration has been crucial for gaining a holistic picture of the inner workings of socio-ecological systems. Integrating local and scientific knowledge sustains biological and global cultural diversity and may fill gaps in understanding that cannot be elucidated by individual scientific disciplines. Interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary research teams face the challenge of collaborating and integrating their varying disciplinary paradigms and epistemologies along with stakeholders' local knowledge for understanding and adapting to global and local environmental issues. Communication and knowledge integration across funders, researchers, and research end-users in transdisciplinary research is critical for meeting diverse stakeholder needs and genuinely engaging multiple knowledge systems. These knowledge systems may include a combination of researcher and local ecological knowledge embedded in institutions, disciplines, and cultures. The purpose of this dissertation is to investigate and apply knowledge integration tools for examining socio-ecological systems and transdisciplinary research communication. 







Guiding model for decolonizing environmental science research and restoring relational accountability with Indigenous communities



The author examines the process and methodologies applied in scientific research by, on, and with Indigenous communities with an emphasis on diverse ways of knowing in environmental sciences, natural resources, and climate research. Effectively addressing complex social-ecological issues faced within our current and future generations, such as extreme climate variability and environmental justice, will require all relevant sources of knowledge and data, including those held by historically marginalized communities who remain close to the land.







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