Talking with the Authors: Special Issue Bridging science and policy through collaborative, interdisciplinary global change research in the Americas – Special Issue

Talking with the Authors: Special Issue Bridging science and policy through collaborative, interdisciplinary global change research in the Americas – Special Issue 
Date: 10 September, 11:00 am UYU
Event type: Free webinar open to public
Language: Spanish & English
About the CRN3 Special Issue:
Since 1995, the IAI has implemented Collaborative Research Networks (CRNs) for global change sciences involving nearly 1000 investigators from over 350 research institutions in 19 countries in the Americas. The most recent CRN, known as CRN 3, addressed global change phenomena by applying research collaboration to facilitate the multi-scalar science evidenced decision making. CRN3 projects (2012-2019) included 10 five-year projects and 7 two-year projects that resulted in nearly 470 scientific publications. 
The IAI CRN3 special issue provides insights of the design, implementation and results of these projects which involves diverse stakeholders. The Special Issue is free and open access. You can download the papers here