Agenda Item | Document | ||
1st session, 9:00 - 17:00 Wednesday, 21 June 2023 Registration: 8:30 - 9:00 |
Opening of the meeting 9:00 - 10:00 |
Opening remarks by Government of Panama | |||
Opening remarks by the CoP-31 Chair, IAI Executive Council Chair | |||
Opening remarks by the Executive Director | |||
Administrative and financial matters 10:00 - 10:45 |
1 | Approval of the agenda | IAI/COP/31/1 English - Spanish | |
2 | Election of Chair and CoP Bureau | No document | |
3 | Approval of the Report of the 30th meeting of the Conference of the Parties and the Report of the 2023 Extraordinary meeting of the Conference of the Parties | ||
4 | Report of the Standing Committee for Rules and Procedures | No document | |
5 | Report of the Credentials Committee | No document | |
Coffee Break 10:45 – 11:00 |
Financial and Budgetary matters 11:00-11:30 |
6 | a. Annex 1: Overview of the Financial Status for FY 2022-2023 | IAI/COP/31/6a English - Spanish | |
b. Annex 2: Core Budget and Country Contributions for FY 2023-2024 and Preliminary request 2024-2026 | IAI/COP/31/6b English - Spanish | ||
c. Annex 3: Auditors Report | IAI/COP/31/6c English - Spanish | ||
d. Annex 4: Report of the Financial and Administrative Committee (FAC) | |||
Executive Council 11:30 – 12:30 |
7 |
Report from the Executive Council a. Decision XXX/4: Recruitment for the post of Executive Director b. Presentation on vision by the incoming Executive Director - Download the presentation (in Spanish) c. Decision XXIX/9: Update on Initiative for conducting a national climate assessment in support on adaptation and mitigation: Training and capacity building in Latin America and the Caribbean - Download the presentation |
IAI/COP/31/7/a English - Spanish |
8 | Election of Executive Council members | No document | |
Lunch 12:30 – 13:45 |
Global Change Science Policy Advances and Priorities: Updates from Parties 13:45 – 17:00 |
Panama (13:45-15:15) | |||
Coffee Break 15:15 – 15:30 |
Other IAI member states (15:30-17:00) Presentation by Bolivia - Download the presentation (in Spanish) Presentation by Brazil - Download the presentation Presentation by Guatemala - Download the presentation (in Spanish) Presentation by Paraguay - Download the presentation (in Spanish) Presentation by Perú - Download the presentation (in Spanish) Presentation by Uruguay - Download the presentation (in Spanish) |
Welcome dinner offered by the Government of Panama 19:00 - 21:00 |
2nd session, 9:00-17:00 Thursday, 22 June 2023 |
The Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC) and the Science Policy Advisory Committee (SPAC) 9:00 – 10:30 |
9 | Election of SAC and SPAC members | No document | |
10 | Joint Report of the SAC/SPAC - Download the presentation | IAI/COP/31/10 English - Spanish | |
Coffee Break 10:30 – 11:00 | |||
Report of the IAI Directorate 11:00 - 12:00 |
11 | Discussions with Panama on the establishment of a regional office | IAI/COP/31/11 English - Spanish | |
12 | Article XI: Associates of the Institute: University of the West Indies | No document | |
13 |
IAI Directorate summary report a) Science - Download the presentation (in Spanish)
i. Decision XXX/6: Report of the Gender and Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Committee |
Lunch 12:00 – 13:30 |
Report of the IAI Directorate (Continued) 13:30 – 15:30 |
13 |
b) Capacity Building - Download the presentation c) Data and information - Download the presentation (in Spanish)
i. Website and social media analytics
d) Report on implementation of the IAI Strategic Plan - Download the presentation e) Update on partnership with the Belmont Forum and collaborative research actions (CRAs) - Download the presentation
IAI/COP/31/13/b/i English - Spanish IAI/COP/31/13/b/ii English - Spanish IAI/COP/31/13/c/i English - Spanish |
Coffee Break 15:30 – 16:00 |
Outstanding items and conclusion of meeting 16:00 – 17:00 |
14 | Determination of the time and venue of the next regular meeting of the Conference of the Parties, 2024 and offers from Parties to host the meeting | No document | |
15 | Closing remarks (Parties, Observers, IAI Directorate) | No document | |
16 | Closing of meeting: Representative from the Government of Panama | No document | |
Closure of the CoP dinner offered by the Government of Panama |
IAI/COP/INFO/2: Report of the Americas Conference on Solar Radiation Modification: Science, Governance and Implications for the Region,
University of the West Indies, Kingston, Jamaica, 24-25 August 2022 English - Spanish
IAI/COP/INFO/3: Vacancy announcement for the post of Executive Director of the IAI English - Spanish
IAI/COP/INFO/4: Draft of the implementation plan for the Gender, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Policy for IAI Scientific Projects and Capacity Building Activities English - Spanish
IAI/COP/INFO/5: IAI Brochure English - Spanish - Portuguesse
IAI/COP/INFO/6: STeP English
IAI/COP/INFO/7: 2023 Newsletter report English
IAI/COP/INFO/8: Information Document: IAI Gender and EDI Policy Draft Implementation Plan English - Spanish
IAI/COP/INFO/9: Regional workshop on Climate, Environment and Health English
IAI/COP/INFO/10: GEWEX 2023 - 2032 Science Plan English
Notification IAIUYDIR/2023/04: 55th meeting of the Executive Council (EC-55), 31st meeting of the Conference of the Parties (CoP-31) and back-to-back meetings, Panama City, Panama English - Spanish
Notification IAIUYDIR/2023/09: Financial support for national representatives to participate in the 55th meeting of the Executive Council (EC-55) and in the 31tst meeting of the Conference of the Parties (CoP-31) English - Spanish
Notification IAIUYDIR/2023/11: Invitation to Parties to Submit Nominations for Representatives to the Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC) and Science-Policy Advisory Committee (SPAC) English - Spanish - Annex English - Annex Spanish
Notification IAIUYDIR/2023/17: The Science Diplomacy Center Side Event at the 31st Meeting of the IAI Conference of the Parties, 21 June 2023, 17:00-18:30 in Panama City, Panama English - Spanish
Notification IAIUYDIR/20/18: CoP-31 and EC-55 official documents available English - Spanish
Notification IAIUYDIR/202: SAC and SPAC nominations received and elections procedures English - Spanish
Notification IAIUYDIR/2023/19: Invitation to Parties to present initiatives during CoP-31 and an invitation to a science-policy event briefing on the results of the Small Grants Program "The Role of Ecosystem Services in Global Change Adaptation for Human Well-Being." English - Spanish
Notification IAIUYDIR/2023/20: Meeting venue of the 31st meeting of the Conference of the Parties, the 55th meeting of the Executive Council and the Joint meeting of the SAC/SPAC English - Spanish - Annex English - Annex Spanish
Notification IAIUYDIR/2023/22: SAC and SPAC nominations received and elections procedures English - Spanish
Click here for time and Zoom instructions
List of participants of the 31th meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Inter-American Institute for Global Change Research
Click HERE
English - Spanish
Hotel Las Américas Golden Tower Panamá
Salón Gran Titanio
Registration link:
This event will take place during the 31st meeting of the Inter-American Institute for Global Change Research (IAI) Conference of the Parties, with the aim to present the vision, mission, and goals of the IAI’s recently launched Science Diplomacy Center (SDC), discuss regional case studies on science diplomacy, identify needs in capacity building and processes related to science-policy, and explore how the Center can best support national and regional priorities as identified by Parties. Other information on the SDC can be found here:
This side event will facilitate the engagement with member states, and discussions will identify the top three (3) flagship activities of the Center for the next three (3) years. The event is designed to ensure active participation, facilitate dynamic discussions on specific topics related to science diplomacy and the role of the Science Diplomacy Center in the region, allowing for a diverse range of perspectives to be heard. This will also ensure that member states collaboratively design the Center's initiatives as well as reinforce their ownership and engagement in the SDC's activities.
Discussion topics will focus on:
Time | Item |
17:00-17:10 |
Welcome and Opening Remarks Anna Stewart, IAI Executive Director Marcella Ohira, IAI Deputy Executive Director |
17:10-17:30 |
Panama Science Diplomacy Case Study Panama, CoP31 host country, will share their experience in science diplomacy, including the establishment of the first national science diplomacy strategy in Latin America.
Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute (STRI) will provide an example of the role of science in diplomacy by sharing its experience working with the International Maritime Organization (IMO) to shift shipping lanes to protect migratory whale species.
17:30-18:15 |
Co-Design Session: Participants will rotate in stations (15 min each) to discuss and contribute to the flagship initiatives of the SDC 2023-2026 |
Station 1: Why is science diplomacy important to support regional collaboration (multilateralism) among member states in global environmental change related issues? How can the IAI SDC support national strategies, plans, programs and other institutional mechanisms?
Station 2: What are the priority capacity-building needs and skills for government officials?
Station 3: What are the priority topics and emerging issues in global environmental change the SDC should focus on? What kind of resources are needed in the SDC Knowledge Hub?
18:15-18:30 |
Report & Closing |
20 June 2023
Hotel Las Américas Golden Tower Panamá
Salón Gran Titanio
Registration link:
This session aims to provide a high-level synthesis of the main findings from the six research projects funded by the Small Grants Program: The role of ecosystem services in adapting to global change for human well-being (SGP-HW). During the event, each research team will present the key policy-related findings to an audience that includes IAI focal points, members of the Scientific Advisory Committee, members of the Science and Policy Advisory Committee, STeP Program fellows, staff from the Directorate, representatives from Panama, including the National Secretariat for Science, Technology, and Innovation (SENACYT), the Ministry of Environment of Panama, and other interested ministries and departments, as well as observers.